Friday, 3 March 2017


SEO in 2017

SEO is one of the important components of digital marketing. If you are just getting started digital marketing for your business, SEO might look like a very complicated concept. But in reality, SEO is very simple. There is a lot to learnwork in SEO, but let’s first understand the fundamentals of SEO.

Why Use SEO for Your Business?

Think about why you use the search engines for in the first place. You enter “keywords” in a search engine looking for something. It could be for information for news & education, entertainment or products. You look for products and services that you already know about. That’s why the traffic from search engines are always of higher quality.

What does a Search Engine?

A search engine like Google wants internet users to use their search engine frequently. And they can achieve that only be delivering quality and relevant results. Google would want to review each and every page on the internet manually and rank them on the search engine result pages, for every keyword, based on the quality and relevancy. 

Two Important SEO Factors: Quality and Relevancy

When you think about search engine results, there are two important factors involved in it. One is quality, and the other is relevancy.

Quality: If you are searching for “Top SEO Company in Lucknow” and if there are 50 websites who have written articles about top SEO Company in the lucknow market, you would want the highest quality result to appear on the top. You might not want to read lower quality articles.

Relevancy: If you are searching for “Best SEO Company in Lucknow” and if the search engine shows results for “Top Website Designing Company”, the result will not be useful for you even if the page about the Best SEO Company is of superb quality. It is not relevant to you and hence not useful to you.

User Signals (Off-Page SEO)
Search engines track user behavior on a site to try to find out the quality and the relevance of the website.
Primary User Signals:

  •     If a user finds an article useful and relevant, he will share it on social media. (Social Signals)
  •     He may link to the article from his blog or a discussion forum. (Backlinks)
  •     He will spend a lot of time on the page reading the article. (Time spent on site)
  •     He will not hit the back button on the browser after clicking on your link in the search engine results. (Low bounce rate)

Off-page optimization is done by your users by communicating these signals to Google. User signals are not under your control.

Webmaster Signals (On-Page SEO)

Google also wants signals from webmasters about the type of content that is available on our websites. These signals are predominantly relevancy signals than quality signals. Because every webmaster would claim that their content is of the best quality!

Webmaster Signals:

  •     Title of the page and website as a whole
  •     Meta description of the pages
  •     Images and image alt tags on the pages

SEO Factors that Webmasters can Control

There are other things that webmasters can do to improve their website’s search friendliness. Here are some of the major ones.

  1.     Give a good user experience (mobile friendly, easy to read)
  2.     Have a good hosting and high page load speed
  3.     Help users navigate through the site in the best way possible


  1. Seo is very important strategy for any website.
    So this is good information and very helpful, Thanks for the sharing

  2. Seo is very important strategy for any website.
    So this is good information and very helpful, Thanks for the sharing

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