Showing posts with label Best Digital Marketing Company in Lucknow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best Digital Marketing Company in Lucknow. Show all posts

Monday, 15 July 2019


Benefits of SEO

JustKlicks - Best SEO Company in Lucknow

A growing business tend to make the biggest investment in SEO for reasons. If you want to make more sales, then seo can benefit you.  JustKlicks - Best SEO Company in Lucknow provides best seo services in Lucknow and will also give the benefits of seo.


Top positions on the SERP (search engine results page) gets majority of the impressions and clicks, so ranking on top positions can result in increased traffic for website. SEO also focuses on creating informative and keyword relevant title tags and meta descriptions, that shows in the result pages. Having optimized tags and descriptions helps to increase click through rate that promotes & increases web traffic.


SEO is a long game. It takes time and a lot of work for the visible results. Once your website starts to gain top rankings, you can expect them to stick around for a while. There are no guarantees—even top ranking websites sometimes fall down due to Google penalties, or competitors working hard to overtake them. But once best seo services is given to gain a top spot in the SERP for a relevant keyword, your web page is likely to stay at least on page one for months to come.


Since top position rankings result in significant impressions, having your website on the top page on the result pages gives more exposure to your website. Being on the first page for targeted keywords not only helps users to associate your brand with those keywords, but it builds trust.
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Thursday, 23 May 2019


How Digital Marketing can help you to grow your business?

Benefits of Digital Marketing

1. Levels the Online Playing Field

Digital Marketing actually levels the playing field, providing small and medium enterprises the chance to compete against the big boys and attract their share of targeted traffic.
With digital marketing, companies now have the resources to perform sales and marketing processes. Without a call center, small businesses can engage effectively with multiple customers, even to customers from any parts of the world even if they don’t have physical stores or branches in these locations.

2. More Cost-Effective than Traditional Marketing

Digital Marketing provides with a better and much more cost-effective marketing channel that delivers results.


3. Delivers Conversion

Businesses marketing products and services online measure success by the percentage rate of incoming traffic gets converted into leads, subscribers or sales, depending on the intended purposes of your website. Without conversion, all your traffic would mean nothing and all your marketing efforts will simply go to waste. That is why business owners are streamlining their digital marketing campaigns towards conversion optimization, making it a top priority above everything else.

4. Generate Better Revenues

Higher conversion rates generated by effective digital marketing techniques will deliver loads of profitable benefits for you and your business in terms of better and higher revenues.
With better revenue growth expectancy, enterprises using digital marketing techniques will have better chances of expanding their workforce and business – opening their doors to better, larger and farther-reaching markets both locally and abroad. 

5. Facilitates Interaction with Targeted Audiences

One of the reasons why digital marketing is taking over traditional marketing channels is the ability of Internet marketing tools to interact with targeted audiences in real time. Engagement in any form is what your customers expect to receive when interacting with your brand or business. Interacting and providing your customers with proper engagement points can give you an insight of what your targeted audiences want. This vital information will steer you towards making the right set of next moves, provide your customers with an even better experience, develop good relationships with them – gaining their loyalty and trust that you will need when your business begins to grow.

About Us

Justklicks is a Brainwork Factory! No, really, jokes apart! We are what you call 'creative maniacs!' We are a Gang of crazy people with innovative ideas. Established as a creative idea hub, we take pride in our ideation, creation and execution of concepts. We not only manage Social Media Marketing, handle advertising and support brand building, but we also prepare Website, SEO Services, IVR Solutions, Toll-Free and create unique Designs. At JustKlicks, We deliver the classiest of communication and innovative services, to both brands and individuals alike. JustKlicks provides you all the best solutions for your Business Promotion, We believe in clients satisfaction. We consider ourselves to be cool dude Chacha Choudhary, and yes We have all the solutions,Just TRY Us.

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Wednesday, 15 May 2019


Why Do I Need a Website?

JustKlicks - Web Development Company in Lucknow

Why Do I Need a Website?

Having a website is like opening a door and inviting potential customers into your business.
So…Why does YOUR business need a website?


Your site communicates with prospects and customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 

Even when you aren’t at work, your website is. Your customers can get to know you and your products through the website at their convenience. It can be better than passing out your business card to thousands of people.

Expands your reach. People from across the street and across the border have access to your products and services from the comfort of their own space.

Increases the effectiveness of your advertising. Print advertising is static, while the web is dynamic. Once you have a website up and running, we recommend your print advertising include your website address where pictures, text, tables and forms can help you get your message across.

Gathers feedback. Use forms, email and social media like Facebook and Twitter to allow your clients to communicate with you.

Communicates effectively. Whether your website is built for customers or employees, web–based communication and email communication are cost–effective and time–saving devices.

It gets you found. Having a well–built website will increase the visibility of your site to the search engines that people use to find what they are looking for. Your specialist should not only offer creative design solutions, but also know how to make your site search engine friendly, so that clients can find you.

Sells directly. E–commerce can dramatically reduce expensive overhead while delivering a 24/7 ‘sales force’. Even if you don’t sell your product online, your website gives you the opportunity to distinguish your company or organization to your client.

Reaching today’s consumer. Today’s emerging generation has never known life without a digital world of connection. Add the growth of social media to that and it becomes evident that without a credible web presence, you don’t exist for an expanding segment of your target market.

Your competitors. The sooner you gain a presence on the web, the better. Your competitors know this too. Increasingly, your clients (and potential clients) are making their decisions based on the standard of your website. A usable and engaging website can help to level the playing field between small and large companies.
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Saturday, 23 February 2019

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Today online business is very important getting your business seen online is a vital to success but there is a number of business related to your business that is you’re competitive for visibility how does yours stand out from the crowd.

Over the past decade the digital Market place has grown exponentially where does the sales process sales begin as soon as a prospect pick up the phone now that process starts as soon as a person locks online almost 85% of customers taking to online search engine to find the service they are looking for because it is safe to say consumers buying habit have changed forever and so has the Marketplace only the website is not effective or is not no longer enough if you want more please the never been generated online your business needs to act smart and faster to pick them up.

Let's essay for instant you are having a restaurant or side of consumers making a direct search for you Restaurant name your target market is going to head over to Google type in place name like you’re from Lucknow so they will type Lucknow restaurant and let it to do its magic and no one has the time to research on the way back to another page even Second page of Google result so unless you have got one of those coveted front page spot aura particularly dogged consumers you are pretty much out of luck.

This is where Search Engine Optimization comes in. I am sure over the past few years you have seen this little Abbreviation popping up everywhere other that are you have been haunted by cold colleges offering you are free SEO concentration and much like a lot of business owners you may be a bit puzzled as its sudden uptake in the business lexicon.

SEO place a very important role to crawl your website on the top position but good SEO done right is the reason your business is going to get on the Google front page and get seen by consumer on the globe with no talking about being on first page for your business name that as us people know about you already know Where are taking about getting on the front page for any of the potential search query is your future consumers will use to find the product and services you offer giving you a competitive edge like no other.

SEO means Search Engine Optimization In which layer of some keywords that is related to your business like you for having restaurant there should be keyword like restaurant near me top restaurant in my city so these are the basic related keywords ok so think about it what do you have a website.

We could just give you a bunch of data driven technically but we like to keep it straight forward and demonstrate the direct approach SEO can have on your business so let's refocus at its most basic your website is a digitally placeholder for your business is there to occupy space declared your presence and gravitation it serves as an online gateway to your business educating engaging and inviting potential customers to dig deeper find out more about you your products and more importantly your brand issue rid of your best bits more than that your website plays a key factor converting all those hard want visit in two leaves and then into sales essentially a website drives traffic and revenue to keep things for your business success but how can a website do that if no one can see it?

If your website is long to somewhere down in the deep dark corners of the web it definitely won't be getting your customers and it most certainly want to be winning you any says.

Yes, targeted traditional marketing annual social media to certain extent can help boost your numbers but like digging around and old sofa for loose change finding leave this way is pretty hit and miss you don't know if you are not going to find anything and if you do you don't know if it's going to be any value.

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Saturday, 9 February 2019


3 Steps to Finding the Best SEO Company in Lucknow

Don’t Think So Much.  IF You Want That Your Business Go Through SEO Practices Due To Technical And Market Trend, Before This I Suggest Simple 3 Steps To Finding The Best SEO Company In Lucknow.

FIRST STEP:   Ask and Analyze Existing Clients of Your SEO Company

You Should Aware About Existing Clients Of Your SEO Company And Their Basic Details. Since When Are SEO Company Dealing With Existing Clients. How Much Are Their Clients Satisfied With Digital Marketing Company & Team And Getting Right Achievements According To His Project Planning.

SECOND STEP:  Consult With SEO Team of SEO Company Also

Don’t Be Hesitated! You Should Treat As A Project Head of Your Business SEO Project And Consult With SEO Team Of Company In Starting That How Will SEO Team Go Through Your Business Growth? And How Will SEO Expert Of Company Generate New Clients Or Customers? You Should Take Open Point Of Views Of SEO Team, “How Are SEO Team Going To Give Beneficial Results in Definite Time Period.

THIRD STEP: Keep In Mind about Road Show or Project Planning Of SEO Company for Your Business

Be Calm and Keep In Your Mind About Road Show Or Project Planning Of SEO Company For Your Business in Simple Way. Have A Positive Attitude Towards This Plan And Trust On SEO Team. It Creates A Positive Affirmation For Your Business Success with Great Results In Future.

Have A Happy Business Growth & Returns!

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Wednesday, 2 January 2019

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SEO Trend in 2019

Search Engine Optimization is one of the techniques used to improve traffic to a website by obtaining a high-rank Placement in the search engine result page such as the entire searching medium like Google being Yahoo and others.

Well we all know that there are two type methods by which SEO is done it has two techniques to improve website position in SCRP call on page SEO and off-page SEO.

In 2019 what will be the SEO strategy and tactics that will work and help you to earn more revenue this year

Here are some headings by which you can understand the trends in 2019

1. Very important to understand the need of users or audience

What is the requirement of our audience what he prefers actually text images video or audio? To understand his need is very important. It is very important to understand the needs of someone what is he expecting when did query a subject, word or phrase you need to give them the answer in the simplest way and in the right way. Content is very important it should be written very perfectly and optimized and should be for the right audience. The highest ranking website is all about the audience in coming days.

2. Enhance your search engine option

In 2019 you will not just about how to optimize for Google but we will have to take into account the other engines as well As.
It is very important you need to rank where people search for those things like if they are looking for the apps you need to rank in app store if we are they were looking for the videos you need to work on the video searching options. Ultimately this all requires the best content.

3. Define content

Define content means if you are creating content just to keep your blog alive that won't be good enough any longer. the issue with this content that has already taken in another website so it is not good enough to acquire so there is a slim chance is it will rank on Google think before publishing such post says they won't pay off is better to do one post that is properly distributed every few months than doing server for months that will only receive a few visits. Content is very important news should be relevant and motivational as well as and that can also solve a problem. If you have chosen the right content you can answer a question get a lead make a sale helper with SEO link building a reputation management social proof for community building purpose with a piece of content then you will do the research be the solution of that problem that people have and provide something that is meant for PayPal versus trying to SEO and always do better in your efforts. Content is not the answering of any query that is also used in language to engage the audience.

A proper SEO can help you get your site in the top search results in the search engines (best SEO companies in Lucknow).

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Wednesday, 21 November 2018

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Digital Marketing Company in Lucknow

We are Best Digital Marketing Company based in Lucknow can help bring profitable clients to your web site, which will help generating more interest in your business and will be helpful in collecting positive leads about business. Our digital marketing Packages are specifically designed for small business at smaller budgets. Our main target is to identify your real audience, who are more needed of your business and how they want to engage with or learn about you. We are establishing clear goals of what you want to achieve in your business by online advertisement. Our digital marketing experts from Google craft your Digital Strategy and execution is done successfully. We start every digital strategy project working closely with you through a workshop program. We get to know you, your culture, your offerings, your audience and your goals. Once we understand you, then the magic begins. We can execute your technique for you, or work alongside you to know who ought to be executing and how. Be that as it may you want progress, we can support and bolster you. We help you to get more traffic through organic search result from google, yahoo, bing and more.

The main Digital Marketing Services we cover are:
  • SEO Services
  • Pay per click
  • Social Media Marketing : Consulting across all media profiles
  • Website traffic analytics
  • Creation of videos to be used with social media
  • Website Design
  • Online Reputation Management
Visit Us:
Call: +91 8181000018

Best Digital Marketing Company in Lucknow
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Saturday, 15 September 2018

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Tips On Choosing The Best SEO Company in Lucknow

Tips On Choosing The Best SEO Company in Lucknow

Your business is a passion for you, isn’t it? It helps you earn the bread and butter. As such, it must be your goal to keep it on the top. Advertisements via flyers, pamphlets, radio, and television continue even these days but a majority of the people today are internet users. There is no other better platform via which you can market your ideas to a large group. A trusted SEO Company in Lucknow can help you upgrade the website design, improve your presence in the social media and integrate several marketing approaches.

Tips To Find Top SEO Company In Lucknow:

1. Size Of The Company: Choose that SEO Company which is equipped with all the skills and resources that can meet your marketing needs. The experience of the company in the field and the size of its team matter a lot in the selection process. Try to figure out the capability of the company to handle the SEO needs of your business.

2. Checking The Track Record:
You must carefully check the testimonials and video reviews about the company you are planning to hire. This helps you in knowing what their services are actually like and the feedback of the clients who have already used their services.

3. Price: You would never want to hire such companies which burn your pockets badly, isn’t it? So, it is important that you check their SEO packages properly before finalizing the deal. This does not indicate that cheap packages are always the best but you must opt for something which is reasonable.

4. Effective Communication: It is very important that the SEO expert you choose communicates with you directly. You must be constantly informed about the actions taken and the results coming up. Since it is the question of your online reputation and the company is working on your behalf, they must update you with every detail. This helps you to be satisfied with the progress of work going on.

5. Ethical Methods And Techniques: The best SEO companies in Lucknow always follow the rules and regulations to take a website at the top position. The fake agencies manipulate various methods in offering SEO services to the clients. This helps you to achieve short-term success but never holds good in the long-run. There can be a drastic fall in the rankings of your website when things get detected. This can seriously affect the reputation of your company.

So, while hiring SEO services in Lucknow, keeping these points in mind is of paramount importance.
SEO Services in Lucknow
Top SEO Company in Lucknow

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Thursday, 28 June 2018

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JustKlicks - Best Digital Marketing Company in Lucknow

Best Digital Marketing Company in Lucknow - (SEO, SMO, SEM, PPC, Facebook Promotion)

JustKlicks are Best Digital Marketing Company located in Lucknow Provide end to end Digital Marketing Services as SEO Services, SMO, Social Media Marketing, Graphics Design, Logo Design & Website Designing. Digital Marketing is necessary if you want to prepare yourself for Online Marketing Related work.  The main purpose of online marketing is branding and lead generation. We are specializing in helping businesses make a profitable income from the Internet. Digital Marketing is not as simple and straight forward as traditional marketing. 
We are a trusted SEO Company in Lucknow that provide Best SEO services in Your Budget. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a form of Digital Marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through optimization and advertising.

Best Website Designing Company in Lucknow

We understand to your goals and requirements, and then we develop a customized website that does just what you need it to do. We are the best Website Designing Company in Lucknow & complete the project on time and cost effectively. We provides affordable responsive Web Design services to customers varying from start up businesses to large corporate organizations.

Best Graphics Designing Company in Lucknow

Get eye-catchy & Best Graphic Designs for your business from the Top Graphics Designing Company in Lucknow. We are among best and brain storming graphic and logo design company in Lucknow. We creates high quality business logo design for all types of businesses all over the world.

IVR Service Provider in Lucknow

Justklicks provides IVR and Tollfree Solutions in Lucknow. It’s a features and tools to efficiently manage your toll-free communications in real time. Your customers will b professionally greeted after that the call will b transfer to your agents.

Bulk SMS services in Lucknow

Justklicks is the most reliable and leading brand name in Bulk SMS services in India. We help you to reach out to your target segment most effectively. Bulk SMS service reaches to both current and potential customers in the easiest way in the form of Transactional and Promotional SMS. 

Best SMO Company in Lucknow

Our expert team of SMO services provider will setup and manage your online profile and make popular your products via advertising campaign on huge social media networks. JustKlicks is one of the Best Facebook promotion company in Lucknow offering designing of professional Facebook pages at very affordable prices.

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Tuesday, 29 May 2018

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Digital Marketing Services in Lucknow

Digital Marketing Services

Digital Marketing is any form of advertising or Marketing communication between a business and their potential customers online. Digital Marketing is making a strong impact in the world of Marketing and Advertising. Especially, the start-ups prefer going digital to market their brand, products and services. Today ‘Digital Marketing’ and ‘Marketing’ both are becoming synonymous.

1. SEO Services:

Search Engine Optimization is an organic (unpaid) method of improving the ranking of web pages and their visibility on various search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Optimizing webpages is a very vital aspect of Digital Marketing.

2. SEM:

Another method of increasing the visibility of webpages is through sponsored placements and advertising. SEM specialists should know how to run PPC campaigns, how to purchase traffic through paid search listing to maximize visibility of web pages on search engines.

3. SMM:

Social Media Marketing is gaining a lot of popularity with social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and others. A good digital marketer should know how to harness the power of social media to market the brand image of the company.

4. Email Marketing:

As it is important to engage your customers and leads with your brand, many organizations send periodic newsletters, email campaigns, autoresponders to its subscribers in order to keep them updated with new products/services added or anything worth sharing.

5. Mobile Marketing:

More and more people are going mobile. Smartphones have become very trendy among all age groups. Mobile marketing provides instant updates, promo offers and information of customers’ interests. A person needs to be a mobile freak to get into mobile marketing.

6. Web Analytics:

Web Analytics is a very interesting aspect of digital marketing which involves traffic analysis, business and market research and enhancing the website traffic. For instance, Google Analytics gives a great insight into how your website is working.

Best Digital Marketing Company in Lucknow

If you are running a small business, you need to Digital Marketing Services for advertisement. We are Best Digital Marketing Company in Lucknow provide all Marketing Solutions. We doing all Services Logo Design, Branding, Graphics Design, Website Design, SEO, SMO, Content & other. We give you monthly report & give you Idea for your business.

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