Monday, 16 October 2017


How to write blog headlines that drive search traffic

How to write blog headlines that drive search traffic?

Content Marketing is a important digital marketing strategy, designed to attract and drive traffic to your Website. A good headline that catches their attention and entices them to click through to read the rest solves their problem – and creates coveted lead generation opportunities for you.

Make headline a key component of your content marketing strategy. Follow these simple steps and you’ll appeal to coustumer as well as search engines.
1. Use keywords : Including keywords in your headlines is important, as major search engines such as Google, Yahoo! and Bing will place more emphasis on the versus the content itself.
2. Appeal to emotions : According to blogger, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest. You have one chance to get your reader to click; using power words will help. The Headline Analyzer tool from CoSchedule recommends using a balance of common, uncommon, emotional and power words to captivate your audience. Phrases like “what happens when” and “you need to” compel readers to discover the benefit of the article.
3. Be clear – and avoid clickbait : You’re working so hard to build trust with your audience – through everything you do. Don’t ruin it with a misleading headline just to get people to read a piece of content.
4. Know your audience : The best headlines are ones your audience will find value in because they’re focused on their wants and needs. 
There are formulas to help with this: (definition + guide to + action + keyword + promise). An example headline made using this guide could be: “A free guide to designing successful infographics for B2B companies“.
5. Think in numbers : A list is often more compelling, because readers then have a clearer idea of what to expect.
6. Use words that Enchant: In addition to strong keywords, using positive adjectives can also increase engagement. Try using words like “free,” “easy,” and “new” which generate more audience engagement.
7. Keep it short and sweet : Lastly, keeping the headline short enables your target audience to read the headline quickly, improving its chances of getting noticed before others.


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