Friday 9 February 2018

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How do We get more visitors to website?

How do We get more visitors to website?

There are many ways you can increase traffic on your website. Here are some of my favorite timeless ideas for attracting more visitors to website. You can use it..

  1. Put your words in a different format. Go visual. Try creating an infographic or slideshare presentation.
  2. Write something so incredibly thorough and valuable that people are compelled to share it.
  3. Headlines are one of the most important parts of your content.
  4. Write guest articles for other blogs. This is still one of the most effective and underused strategies for building your own audience. 
  5. Make it easy for people to share your content
  6. Optimize your headline and content URL for the search engines. Use the Google Keyword Tool to find popular keywords. Use keywords in your headline and content URL.
  7. Make sure your site is Google friendly.
  8. Site speed is now a factor in search rankings, and a faster site will keep more people from leaving before your page loads.
  9. One of the best ways to increase traffic to your website is to use social media channels to promote your content. 
  10. Implementing schema. it will make it easier for search engine bots to find and index your pages. 
  11. Email marketing can be a powerful tool, Don’t Neglect.
  12. Building a community into your site is a great way to start a conversation and increase traffic to your website. 


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