Wednesday 28 February 2018

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Top SEO Trends 2018

7 SEO Trends 2018

Search Engines getting smarter, Google answering more queries directly on results’ pages and the increase of voice-activated search, some are worried their optimization strategy may need to change drastically. Search engines like Google and Bing are learning to understand content better and are aiming to satisfy users’ needs as best as they can.

More websites on page 1 of Google are HTTPS

HTTPS is simply the protocol that ensures your website is being viewed over a safe connection. To be able to add an S to an HTTP web address, one needs to acquire a so-called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. This will make it possible for a site’s visitor data to be encrypted and secured. Google has made it clear that having HTTPS is a pretty big deal, and the search engine results page (SERP) shows it too. Back in June of this year, 55% of sites on page one of Google were secure, according to Moz. It’s predicted that by the end of the year, this number will increase to around 66%. On top of this, the Chrome browser has started implementing warnings on sites that are not HTTPS. This can affect a user’s experience negatively, and dissuade them from browsing your site or purchasing your services.

More SERP features are being displayed

A SERP feature is basically anything on a results page that includes more than the usual SEO title (top blue line), URL (middle green line) and description (black text underneath). Reminder: SERP is the geeky way of saying search engine results page. There are many more types of features that are used to answer queries directly: related questions, local pack (a Google map on the SERP), image results to name a few. The amount of rich snippets has tripled in the last two years, and already 87% of SERPs have some kind of rich answer displayed. These types of results tend to get more clicks than regular organic results, because of the prime real estate and eye-catching format.

More people are using voice search

What happens when you’ve got a burning question but no one’s around? Just ask your phone, all the cool kids are doing it! Seriously. Voice activated search is increasing rapidly thanks to voice recognition software used in mobile devices and home speakers. Already 55% of teens and 40% of adults use voice search on a daily basis, plus it’s predicted that by 2020 half of searches will be voice activated. The rising popularity of this trend is inevitable.The mear fact that you no longer need to type a query in a search box to get answers makes voice search fast and convenient for busy bees.

Link building

Link building is not expected to disappear in 2018, but it will be more important than ever to create a strategy that seeks out quality links. There’s no need to aim for new links if they don’t add value and help you build an authority in your target niche. This doesn’t always mean that the best backlinks come from the most popular sites, but it’s still crucial to seek coverage from sites that are relevant to your industry. Referral traffic can still contribute to your site’s organic search rankings, while it is also useful to start thinking of link building as a long-term process. A challenge for 2018 will be dealing with guest blogs and how to involve them as an integral part of a link building strategy without hurting a brand’s reputation. 

User experience 

A good user experience increases the chances of people engaging with the pages that they visit. User experience for SEO will become even more important in 2018. Google has made it clear that the focus is on the user and this should make more sites deliver a smooth UX for their visitors. The first step is to monitor a site’s speed, its readability and its navigation structure to examine how these can be improved through the right changes. A closer look at your visitors’ browsing habits can offer helpful insights.

If you have a local business, you’ll want to focus some effort on improving your local SEO to be able to be featured in the so called local pack. The rise of featured snippets, PPC, voice search and local SEO can often yield better results than an organic ranking. That’s why it’s useful to keep up with the latest trends and discover how your brand can maintain a successful SEO strategy for the year ahead by blending established and growing trends.

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Wednesday 14 February 2018

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is Seo important for Business?

is Seo important for Business?

SEO is Google’s way of determining which sites deserve to rank highly for each query entered into its search engine. Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing each have algorithms – fancy mathematical formulas – to determine whose websites appear on the first page, second page, and so on. Your business definitely needs to have an SEO strategy in place if you are interested in succeeding in terms of online marketing. SEO Services is cost-effective Compared to the costs associated with other forms of online marketing such as PPC advertising, social media marketing, or purchasing leads for an email marketing program, SEO provides fairly good ROI. While PPC may drive more revenue and social media may be more important for your image, your organic SEO in many ways remains a bedrock of your online presence. SEO helps to direct traffic to your website by helping improve your ranking. Local SEO helps to focus your resources to ensure that the people seeing your advertising are the people most likely to do business with you.
SEO can show your website to the consumer who’s looking for your service in search engines. SEO isn’t a one-time thing to do, It’s a longterm continuously updated process and the same goes for providing content in your business. If you have a website for your company, SEO is important. Whether your business is new or old, struggling or successful, small or large, SEO is crucial to your online success

How Does SEO Work?

SEO consists of multiple strategies, actions, and best practices for improving your website’s position in search engines.
There are two types of SEO: on-page and off-page.
On-page SEO consists of anything you can control on your own website to improve your rankings. This refers to things like site speed, keyword presence, header text, and so on.
On the other hand, off-page SEO consists of anything done on other websites that may influence your rankings. Generally, this only refers to links.

About Top SEO Company in Lucknow

JustKlicks is a leader in SEO Services and website design for small-to-large sized businesses. We offer a variety of services like Social Media Marketing, Graphics Design, Logo Design, SMO, PPC & Other for help to grow your business presence online. If we can help in any way, please don't hesitate to set a time to meet or leave your details and We will get back to you.!
Seo Services in Lucknow

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Benefits of SEO

Benefits of SEO - SEO Services in Lucknow

Digital Marketing has changed dramatically over the past few years, but SEO still remains an effective and important marketing strategy. We are Top SEO Company in Lucknow provide a result oriented SEO Services in Lucknow, India. While there are many benefits to a good SEO strategy but we know it can be costly at first. If you’re ready to let an SEO Agency in Lucknow for handle your SEO, then we help you. we have outlined the top benfits to help you understand why SEO is important. 

Increased Traffic - Top positions on the search engine result pages receive a majority of the impressions and clicks, so ranking in these top positions can result in significant traffic increases for your website. SEO also focuses on creating informative and keyword relevant title tags and meta descriptions, which show up in the result pages. Having optimized tags and descriptions helps to increase click through rate, which also promotes increases in qualified web traffic.

ROI - SEO provides trackable and quantifiable results, regardless of whether you are an ecommerce or non-ecommerce site so there are no qualms when it comes to ROI. SEO agencies are able to track nearly every aspect of their strategy, like increases in rankings, traffic and conversions. Comprehensive analytics also provide the ability to drill down at a granular level and see demographic information and other engagement metrics for individuals who have interacted with your website.

Cost effectiveness - Organic listings are essentially free. When you are listed at the top, you don’t need to pay per click or allocate a budget for advertising, one of the main benefits of SEO is that it is the gift that keeps on giving. With a little bit of effort you can watch your website get consistent traffic. Unlike paid ads, your traffic will not drop to nothing when it stops. SEO gets rid of the need to have thousands of ads across the web.

Increased site usability – In an effort to make your website easier to navigate for the search engines, SEO simultaneously helps to make your website more navigable for users as well. SEO consists of rearranging the site's architecture and links to make pages within the website easier to find and navigate. This not only makes it easier for search engines to crawl your site and find pages, but also makes it easier for users to find information on your website as well.  

Brand Awareness - People trust that the first listing in google is a reputable company, by doing SEO, your website becomes THE brand name. Since top position rankings result in significant impressions, having your website in these top positions on the result pages translates to more exposure for your website.

Take Your Business to the Next Level - SEO can bring it thousands upon thousands of visitors to your website a day. This may put your company in a position of needing to expand to a larger web server to accommodate the traffic and sales to your website.

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Friday 9 February 2018

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How do We get more visitors to website?

How do We get more visitors to website?

There are many ways you can increase traffic on your website. Here are some of my favorite timeless ideas for attracting more visitors to website. You can use it..

  1. Put your words in a different format. Go visual. Try creating an infographic or slideshare presentation.
  2. Write something so incredibly thorough and valuable that people are compelled to share it.
  3. Headlines are one of the most important parts of your content.
  4. Write guest articles for other blogs. This is still one of the most effective and underused strategies for building your own audience. 
  5. Make it easy for people to share your content
  6. Optimize your headline and content URL for the search engines. Use the Google Keyword Tool to find popular keywords. Use keywords in your headline and content URL.
  7. Make sure your site is Google friendly.
  8. Site speed is now a factor in search rankings, and a faster site will keep more people from leaving before your page loads.
  9. One of the best ways to increase traffic to your website is to use social media channels to promote your content. 
  10. Implementing schema. it will make it easier for search engine bots to find and index your pages. 
  11. Email marketing can be a powerful tool, Don’t Neglect.
  12. Building a community into your site is a great way to start a conversation and increase traffic to your website. 

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Wednesday 31 January 2018

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Looking for a Digital Marketing Company who Provide affordable SEO Services?

Looking for a Digital Marketing Company who Provide affordable SEO Services?

There are plenty of digital marketing company which is available in India which are providing an affordable SEO Services with reasonable price. but the difficult one for all the business owners are choosing a right companies to develop the digital marketing campaigns. There’s nothing like a best digital marketing company, find someone who understands you, your brand and knows how to take it to the next level. If you are looking for the Best SEO Company that improve your website's visibility with relevant keywords, high-quality content, back-links at affordable prices. I would like to suggest the SEO which brings results.
  • Performing ongoing keyword research including discovery and expansion of keyword opportunities
  • Researching and implementing content recommendations for organic SEO success
  • We use best SEO strategies to ensure that your site achieves high rankings on search engine results pages.

We responsible for managing all SEO activities such as content strategy, link building and keyword strategy to increase rankings on all major search networks. We Shall also manage all SEM campaigns on Google, Yahoo and Bing in order to maximize ROI.
If you want any of these Digital Marketing Services for your business you can get connected with us by finding the below contact details.
Contact Details:-
Phone Number : +91–9807860274, 8181000018
Email :
Website:- Digital Marketing Company

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Monday 29 January 2018


Digital Marketing Agency

Digital Marketing Agency

Today's Digital Marketers know that reaching people is not enough, however. They understand that knowing their customers and delivering personalized, relevant messages and offers to them are the keys to data-driven marketing. Given the value of digital marketing, marketers and Digital Marketing companies want to stay on the leading edge of it. Attending digital marketing conferences is one of the best ways to stay on top of data-driven marketing trends and become innovative in your campaigns and strategies. 

If you want to grow your business in 2018, then Digital Marketing are for you. We help you to meet your business goals by offering our best Services, Digital Marketing services, SEO Services, Social Media Marketing, PPC, Branding services.
Now These Days Digital Marketing is a very necessary component to promote any business or brand. We create powerful digital strategies, customer personas, journey maps and digital plans to acquire and retain customers. We help businesses to enter new markets with existing products or services. JustKlicks provides brand promotion and Digital Marketing in Lucknow. We offers all the related services that contribute in promoting businesses online like SEO Services, Social Media Marketing Services, Website Designing, Logo Designing or Graphics designing.
We give Social media management solutions for small business marketing activities in a more efficient manner. We create visibility and brand loyalty, increase traffic to your website and engage your followers. Connect with us for Social Media Handling in Lucknow.
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Saturday 27 January 2018

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Free SEO Tool 2018

Free SEO Tool 2018

1. Google PageSpeed Insights

Check the speed and usability of your site on multiple devices
Enter a URL, and this tool will test the loading time and performance for desktop and for mobile, plus identify opportunities to improve (and pat you on the back for what you’re doing well). The mobile results also come with a user experience score, grading areas like tap targets and font sizes.

2. Moz Local Listing Score

See how your local business looks online
Moz crunches data from more than 15 different sources—including Google, Foursquare, and Facebook—to score your brick-and-mortar business on how it looks online. Results come complete with actionable fixes for inconsistent or incomplete listings.


700+ keyword ideas based on a single keyword
Enter a keyword, and the Keyword Tool provides a huge handful of long-tail keyword opportunities, organized alphabetically.

4. Google Analytics

Complete web stats and search insights
In addition to tracking pretty much every bit of traffic you could imagine on your website, Analytics also surfaces many keyword insights as to which terms people use to land on your pages.

5. Google Webmaster Tools + Bing Webmaster Tools

Constant website analysis, alerts, and error reports
These webmaster tools help give you a taste of what the two top search engines think of your site. It’s helpful to see any bugs, alerts, and indexing issues.
Pro tip: Each of these two tools requires a bit of installation on your site. If you’ve got a WordPress website, you can add the webmaster code automatically through a plugin like Jetpack or Yoast.

6. Open Site Explorer

Comprehensive link analysis
The free version of Open Site Explorer gives you a quick look a full range of link analysis, including a look at the most impactful links coming your way and your most linked-to pages.

7. Google Keyword Planner

Know what people search for
Enter a keyword or group of keywords into the tool, and Google will return all sorts of helpful stats to guide your keyword strategy: monthly search volume, competition, and even suggested terms you might not have considered.

8. in an Incognito Window

Discover auto-fill opportunities
Searching in an incognito window will bring up that all-familiar list of autofill options, many of which can help guide your keyword research. The incognito ensures that any customized search data Google stores when you’re signed in gets left out. Incognito may also be helpful to see where you truly rank on a results page for a certain term.

9. Google Trends

Changes in search volume for key terms
A quick browse or search through Google Trends can show you the hockey-stick rise of potential terms and SEO opportunities for your content.

10. QuickSprout Website Analyzer

Full analysis of your website
The QuickSprout tool does a comprehensive look at just about everything: SEO optimization, speed, tags, keywords, social, links, and even competitor comparisons.

11.  SimilarWeb

View site stats for any domain
Use this tool to compare traffic between two websites, a helpful tool for competitor research.

12. SEO Site Checkup

Audit and score for your website
Site Checkup runs through a fast audit of your site, checking for proper tags and surfacing any errors that might come up.
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